Whatcom surpasses vaccination milestones, but sees another COVID-related death reported

On the same day it surpassed three vaccination milestones, Whatcom County received a reminder that there is still plenty of work to be done before it can move past the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whatcom saw its 98th COVID-related death of the pandemic reported by the Washington State Department of Health’s coronavirus dashboard on Monday, May 22. In addition, the dashboard showed the county with 60 new confirmed cases and one-related hospitalization, as the state reported three days’ worth of data Monday due to scheduled maintenance to the dashboard Saturday.

On the positive side for the county’s vaccination efforts, the state reported that as of Monday:

▪ More than half of all Whatcom residents (50.65%) have initiated vaccination.

▪ More than 60% of all eligible Whatcom residents (61.25%), defined as residents 16 and older by the state, have initiated vaccination.

▪ More than half of all eligible Whatcom residents (51.14%) have completed vaccination.