Whatcom’s COVID-19 case rate continues to drop, but three more deaths reported in county

Whatcom County’s weekly COVID-19 infection rate dropped to its lowest mark since July 31, but three more resident deaths have been linked to the respiratory illness.

Whatcom County now has seen 282 COVID-related deaths during the pandemic, according to the Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 Data Dashboard on Wednesday, March 16. The three deaths reported Wednesday were for people who first tested positive for COVID on Jan. 17, Jan. 31 and Feb. 4, The Bellingham Herald’s analysis of state epidemiological data showed.

Whatcom had 55 total new cases reported on the state dashboard on Wednesday.

The hospital reported it was treating five patients with COVID-related symptoms on Thursday, March 17, which is up one from its reports on Tuesday and Wednesday. The hospital’s daily snapshot has averaged 5.0 COVID-related patients per day the past week, which accounts for approximately 2% of the 252 inpatient beds at the hospital.