Is Whatcom’s COVID vaccine supply keeping up since the second booster was approved?

The Whatcom County Health Department has not received word about any COVID-19 vaccine shortages in the county since a second booster dose was authorized for those 50 and older last week.

“No, we have not been made aware of any shortages of COVID vaccine due to the ability for individuals to receive a second booster dose of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines,” Communicable Disease and Epidemiology Manager Cindy Hollinsworth told The Bellingham Herald in an email Tuesday, April 5.

Even if Whatcom does start to run low, Hollinsworth said the turnaround for businesses to receive vaccine orders is approximately four to five days after they place an order for more doses.

The Department of Health reports a total of 88,045 booster doses have been delivered in Whatcom County, as of Sunday, meaning 61.2% of all residents eligible to receive one have done so.