'Godfather of Greening' to speak at Western Oct. 21

Western Washington University and the NW Innovation Resource Center are partnering to bring environmental scientist Allen Hershkowitz to campus, where he will give a presentation on the juncture of business innovation and environmental sustainability at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 21 in Communications Facility 120.

The event is free and open to the public.

Hershkowitz, who will serve as the Wilder Construction Company Distinguished Professor of Business and the Environment during his stay, is a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council. Hershkowitz is known for coordinating prominent institutional greening initiatives with the Academy Awards and major league sports, and also serves as an advisor on industrial ecology to corporations such as DuPont.

Hershkowitz will illuminate exciting opportunities at during his visit. He is a leader in making environmental responsibility understandable and achievable for individuals and businesses, and has worked toward large-scale change in areas such as recycling and mountaintop-removal coal mining.

The event will serve as the kickoff for the 2015 NW Washington Sustainability Challenge, which highlights opportunities for entrepreneurs to compete with their best sustainable and innovative business ideas. The competition is open to both students and affiliates of the participating colleges.

"The NW Washington Sustainability Challenge gave us the ability to showcase our idea to politicians, educators, and investors and also gave us the opportunity to gain some valuable experience for the future,” said Western student Brad Nadone, who competed in the challenge last spring.

For more information, visit nwsustainabilitychallenge.com or contact Andrea Gabriel at the NW Innovation Resource Center at (360) 255-7870.