Faculty members attending commencement announced

The following faculty members should have received a memo from Jana Schueler of the Registrar's Office confirming their attendance at spring commencement on June 11:

  • Ceremony 1: Jeanne Armstrong, Cynthia Camlin, Craig Dunn, Leslie Guelker-Cone, Zite Hutton ,Carol Janson, Jason Kanov, Ilhyung Kim, Shawn Knabb, Floyd Lewis, Marko Madunic, Sandra Mottner, Louis Lap Nguyen, Tom Roehl, Farrokh Safavi, George Sanders, Stephen Senge, Khim Sim, Johann Thaheld.
  • Ceremony two: Larry Antil, Dina Benedetti, Elizabeth Boland, Dan Boxberger, Joanne Carney, Gail Coulter, Judy Deiro, Mary Lynne Derrington, Elizabeth Drew, Stan Goto, John Harris, Ken Howell, Bob Keiper, John Korsmo, Chuck Lambert, Don Larsen, Kristin Mahoney, Cathy McDonald, Christie McLean-Kesler, Victor Nolet, Diane Penland, Tara Perry, Andrea Peterson, Chris Schaefer, Shelby Sheppard, Kris Slentz, Rob Stoops, Jane Verner, Dennis Whitcomb
  • Ceremony three: Don Alper, Spencer Anthony-Cahill, Eva Baharav, Christina Byrne, Doug Clark, Rieko Darling, Susan DeBari, Janet Finlay, Steven Fleishman, Diana Gruman, David Hartenstine, Millie Johnson, Kristen Larson, Arleen Lewis, Scott Linneman, LeaAnn Martin, Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Jason Morris, Pinky Nelson, Joann Otto, Gerry Prody, Elizabeth Raymond, Andreas Riemann, Keith Russell, Kate Sandelin, Kathleen Saunders, Liz Schermer, Anu Singh-Cundy, Charles Sylvester, Larry Symons, Ralph Vernacchia, Jim Vyvyan, Ray Wolpow, Lina Zeine.

If you did not receive a memo, or if you plan to attend and your name is not on the list, contact Jana Schueler at (360) 3701 or jana.schueler@wwu.edu as soon as possible. Also, please contact her if you need to cancel.

Faculty members who need regalia for the ceremony should call the Alumni Office at (360) 650-3353 immediately.