Trimble publishes book and articles and speaks at D.C. conference

Joseph E. Trimble, psychology, recently published an edited book with Gallardo, M. E., Yeh, C., & Parham, T. A. (2010) titled "Working culturally and competently with persons of African, Asian, Latino, and Native Descent: The culturally adaptive responsive model of counseling." Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Also, he published two journal articles. With Trickett, E.J., Beehler, S., Deutsch, C., Green, L.W., Hawe, P., McLeroy, K., Miller, R.L., Rapkin, B.D., Schensul, J.J., Schulz, A.J., & (2011), he published "Advancing the science of community-level interventions." American Journal of Public Health, 101(8), 1410-1419. And with Rivkin, I.D., Lopez, E.D.S., Quaintance, T.M., Hopkins, S., Fleming, C., Orr, E., & Mohatt, G.V. (2011), he published "Value of community partnership for understanding stress and coping in rural Yup’ik communities: The CANHR study." Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 4(3), 1-17.

Trimble also delivered the distinguished G. Stanley Hall/Harry Kirke Wolfe lecture titled "An attentive exploration of ethnic identification perspectives and influences on change, measurement, and theory" at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association in Augist in Washington, D.C.