Employees can get $125 incentive through SmartHealth program

Western Washington University employees who have said "This is the year" that they'll eat healthier, work out more, lose weight, quit smoking, reduce stress, volunteer or practice gratitude can work toward those results by joining join SmartHealth, the state's voluntary wellness program for eligible members of the Public Employees Benefits Board program.

SmartHealth helps participants take steps to improve their health and well-being while having fun and connecting with others. SmartHealth's interactive website allows employees to take part in fun activities to reach goals (and stick to resolutions). Progress earns points, and any employee who reaches 2,000 points by June 30, 2015, will qualify for a $125 incentive in 2016.

Here's how it works:

  • Visit www.smarthealth.hca.wa.gov on your desktop, tablet or smartphone and select "Get Started" to walk through the activation process. Or, you may call 1-855-750-8866.
  • Take the Well-being Assessment, which helps you understand your strengths and areas of improvement, then suggests goals and activities to reach a happier, healthier you. You’ll earn 800 points if you complete the Well-being Assessment by June 30, 2015, plus 100 bonus points if you complete it by March 31, 2015.
  • You can then complete other activities to earn more points and progress on your wellness journey. The more activities you complete, the more points you earn.
  • When you reach 2,000 points (including the Well-being Assessment) by June 30, 2015, you’ll qualify for one of these wellness incentives in 2016:
    • A $125 reduction in your 2016 PEBB medical plan deductible.
    • A one-time $125 deposit into your health savings account (if enrolled in a PEBB consumer-directed health plan in 2016).

Activate your SmartHealth account now at www.smarthealth.hca.wa.gov.