Data explore which colleges most lead to work in same field

According to data from the Office of Survey Research at Western Washington University, based on surveys conducted of students who graduated between one and two years ago, students who graduated from the Woodring College of Education were the most likely to be employed in jobs in the same field as their major.

Graduates of the College of Sciences and Technology were also likely to find work in their field of study. Students from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences were more likely to find work in a different field than their area of study.

On the surveys, the Office of Survey Research asked students about their current jobs and if they are in the same field they studied at Western, a related field or one that is completely different from what they studied.

These regular data snippets are part of the Office of Survey Research’s endeavor to bring its survey results to campus.

For more information, contact John Krieg, a WWU professor of economics and director of OSR, at 360-650-7405.