Bruce Shepard posts update on WWU Music Library

Western Washington University President Bruce Shepard has posted new information on his website regarding the Music Library at WWU.

In his message, Shepard explains the situation regarding cuts to the Music Library and looks at the options available and the questions that must be answered.

Here's Shepard's introductory paragraph:

Concerned Western Faculty, Staff, and Students:

We are moving toward a decision on the location of the branch Music Library. On Friday of this week, we will be hearing from a taskforce that is evaluating options. A broadly representative campus budgeting and planning body will, I am sure, also be providing insights.

As the decision will inevitably be mine, I also have been studying all the documents, visiting the spaces, talking with those involved in the various groups, and considering email from faculty, students, staff, and community members.

No decisions have been made. Instead, we have been trying to understand just what the fundamental issues and tradeoffs are and how our campus would be affected.

The proposals, rationales, sets of data have been widely shared. The documents are appropriately detailed, dense, and lengthy. Provost Riordan and I have looked at it all but how do those without the time to do so become meaningfully involved, involved in informed ways?

We decided to try to distill all we read and heard into what we see as the basic options and the essential questions.

In the interests of openness and transparency, I will share these assessments and insights. I do so that you may challenge and improve them prior to our reaching a decision. That decision will be made, early in the week after Thanksgiving.

Thanks for being willing to help,

Read the rest of Bruce's message regarding the Music Library, including a Music Library FAQ, on the president's website.