Alumni Association giving out free coffee until 11 a.m. Aug. 17

Look for the Alumni Association tent outside of Carver Gym on Wednesday, Aug. 17, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. for your free fill of The Woods Coffee’s special Viking Blend. Wear your Western gear and spin the prize wheel for a Western treat.

Faculty, staff and alumni may enter the raffle drawing to win a bottle of wine and two WWU Alumni wine glasses. The wine will be from a vineyard or wine shop affiliated with a Western alumnus. The winner will be posted on the Western Alumni website along with a brief bio on the vineyard or wine shop.

And don’t forget other Western Wednesday discounts: Wear your Western gear and bring a reusable mug to any of The Woods Coffee’s locations for a free cup of Viking Blend coffee.

Check out the Western Wednesday webpage for photos of previous winners and upcoming Get Your Blue On event dates.