2015-17 minor capital request forms due by Nov. 15

The Office of Facilities Development and Capital Budget at Western Washington University invites members of the campus community to submit minor works capital requests for the 2015-17 biennium as a part of the university’s biennial capital budget development process.

Minor capital projects are typically for small improvements, renovations and upgrades that will cost between $25,000 and $2 million and are aligned to Western’s strategic goals and college/division six-year plans. Such projects can be for programmatic needs, ADA improvements, health and safety as well as for preservation needs.

For a minor works project to be fully considered, individuals will need to electronically submit a 2015-17 minor capital request form to their supervisor, chair or director by Nov. 15. See the FDCB website for access to the form.

The timeline for minor capital requests is as follows:

  • Nov. 15 - To be fully considered, individuals should have submitted their requests to their supervisor, chair or director. (On this date, Facilities Development & Capital Budget and Space Administration will begin verifying scopes and developing order of magnitude cost estimates of requests in the system to support the decision makers below).
  • Dec. 6 - Supervisor, chair or director should have submitted their recommended requests to their planning unit leader.
  • Dec. 20 - Planning unit leaders should have submitted their recommended prioritized requests to their vice president.
  • Jan. 10 - Vice presidents must have submitted their recommended prioritized requests to Facilities Development & Capital Budget.

Planning unit leaders and vice presidents will evaluate and prioritize the minor works requests. WWU will submit a finalized capital project budget request including major, intermediate and prioritized minor works to the Office of Financial Management in the summer of 2014. The requests will be evaluated during the 2015 legislative session for possible award in the 15-17 biennium.

Questions may be directed to Rick L. Benner, director and university architect, Facilities Development and Capital Budget, at 360-650-3550 or rick.benner@wwu.edu.